16 January 2011

strawberry swing.

If you're reading my blog, I'm sure you noticed a slight change in music ... this won't be the first time! My music changes quite frequently, as mood or boredom levels predict. This time, it was of necessity.

I haven't changed music in a long while. However, I recently added another song to my list: Coldplay's Strawberry Swing. Second on the list, it carries with it everything and nothing that makes me smile. "Nothing," meaning that I haven't any actual tie to the music -- if music alone could make me smile, I would be a glum person indeed. "Everything" in that it reminds me of simple things that do give my life meaning and purpose, and thus make me smile. Perhaps I'm digging too deeply but I tend to gravitate toward songs that suggest meaning, that imply something, rather than spell things out in black and white. It's probably the English major in me...but I do find myself seeking out the spiritual and emotional ramifications in whatever I allow myself to read, listen to, or watch.

Why Strawberry Swing? It's reminiscent of childhood with a splash of adventure but also points back to what has been on my mind since I started this insane adventure in Southern California. There's something to be said about a strong support network. I am SO very thankful for mine, albeit the fact that they are almost 1000 miles away from me. Without them, it's a waste of time.

Now the sky could be blue,
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time.

The sky could be blue,
Could be gray
Without you I would slide away
The sky could be blue,
I don't mind
Without you it's a waste of time.

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