21 January 2011

it must be nice.

Ever since when I can remember,
Nothing comes free of charge
Yet here you are, always relaxing.
That's been you, since September.
You: loving life and living large.
If I'd a care, I'd tell you something.

It must be nice, To be handed the world on a silver platter.
It must be nice, Never having to climb the corporate ladder.

Not to point the finger but tis true;
Think it through thoroughly.
Careless friends and piles of dishes --
I've forgotten how in anger to stew.
Oy vey. Why me, my plea.
To go home, every part of me wishes.

My schedule fills, spills out and over.
You complain of the mundane.
Paint this, move that; please-dos, do-nots,
Oh -- I'm having my loud friends over,
Yes really, it is quite the pain.
Oh, do wake at five to bang pans and pots!

It must be nice.
Not a thought towards another's plight.
So willing, so eager to pick a petty fight.
It must be nice,
To relax and to no longer be in school.
But apparently it is I who play the fool.

It must be nice.
It must be. Truly.

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