18 January 2011

rough nights.

No one ever prepares you for perfectionism. You know? I'm talking about, staying up late because you're sure the project due will not get itself done in the morning. After all, you're up late anyhow... so might as well not go to bed anyway? That kind of thing? Thankfully, I have yet to pull the token college "all-nighter."

Maybe I'm the Lone Ranger in this. But I seriously have a problem. I'm a perfectionist. Perfectionism is my downfall and has the power to keep me from what's truly important in life. Perhaps this blog is my only outlet right now for all things imperfect. Everything I think about, pray about, don't say out loud -- I keep those hidden quite well and, when I need to, find solace in my writing.

Okay, not everything. I do actually talk to people. I figure it's fitting to have relationships, since I live in the real world with real people. How better to grow a relationship than through talking through life's difficulties and offering each other support / love / encouragement? Well, that's part of it anyhow.

I ramble and tend to wax incoherent when tired, so apologies for any rash statements, confusion in phrasing, mechanical faux pas, or the like. Completely unintentional.

My point in writing this entry: I need to remind myself that sleep helps the brain to function properly... This is kind of like writing myself a note and posting it to the refrigerator. I may read it one day and then glance over it, unseeing, then next. Maybe if I leave myself enough notes, I will remember to do something about it.

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