16 March 2011

what i'm learning, part 4.

I am very selfish with my down time. I want it all to myself. No lesson planning or thinking required. Just relax and unwind time with me and a pillow. How often does this happen? Every night for five hours. Yes, I did say five. No, I wouldn't prescribe it.

I do not like to spend time surrounded by people all day. It gets tiring and I get cranky. I feel like I must play hostess and be nice to one and all -- which is not something that I have to do; I just have this innate desire to do so because I desire the same treatment from others.

I am not a fan of immaturity or rudeness, but I dish up the latter often. Especially when dealing with the former. Oops.

I enjoy grading if it does not have an immediate deadline. Unfortunately, the nature of grading is that, unless there is a deadline, it doesn't get done and it piles up on itself, to the extent that tackling one section hardly makes a dent.

I am uncomfortable and easily annoyed when people step on my toes. (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)

I feel like I have terrible time-management skills. Which I don't -- I am just extremely exhausted and it shows when I come home and suddenly can only do two things: fall asleep sitting against the wall while reading through tomorrow's lesson plan AND eat on-the-go items. What I need to be doing: preparing lesson plans and cooking well-rounded meals.

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