20 March 2011

acting like children.

I went to church this morning with the expectation that my perspective would be kicked back into gear. I'll be the first to admit that everything goes all over the map, emotionally and mentally, when my perspective is not aimed where it should be: on my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

For those of you who do not believe in Christ and don't understand what the big deal is -- Yes! I've definitely done things on my own before -- lived as I pleased. But there was this immense hole in my life that I couldn't fill. Like something was drastically wrong but I couldn't fix it. No matter what I had done to try to fill that hole in, it kept falling in. Pretty soon, I couldn't control it. It controlled me, who I was. My good name and character meant nothing. Anything I did, no matter how "good"? Couldn't satisfy me.

Another problem surfaces when it becomes all about ME living in MY own strength. I start looking for, what can I get out of the situation?? What benefits me becomes my first priority, my only priority. I forget about you completely.

Pretty ugly, right?

The message today centered around Mark 10:13-16. A new (to me) perspective on Mark 10:13-16. It struck home, made me evaluate a few things about myself, my perception of the world, and my idea of discipleship. I thought I would share, since I care about you -- even the "you"s out there who I don't know as well as others -- because HE cared first.

I will leave you with those thoughts for now and wrap things up later on this week...

Love in Christ, Dominique

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