21 April 2011

concert night.

If a picture is worth a thousand words ...
How much is a picture with a thousand words ON it?

Here is what my lesson plans look like
-- for a single day --
And this is why I no longer type them up,
unless I am being observed and it is required of me.

Yesterday was Kayla's concert with
The Master's College chorale at Forest Lawn
in Glendale, California.

Hope drove and we sang songs and talked
to get Kayla's mind off of her nerves.
She had the only two solos that night ... so beautiful!

I honestly was starting to fall asleep in the car,
so I took pictures to keep myself awake :)

I know ... clever, right? Yeah, it didn't work.

Sunshine was beautiful
-- but because I work inside, I haven't seen much of it --
so I wear the shades to avoid migraines.

Kayla getting ready for her concert:

I don't know if either Hope or I were much help ;)

View off the back step of the Resurrection Hall.

The hall ... reminiscent of European cathedrals, yes?
Beautiful inside too, but I wasn't allowed to take footage.
Imagine echo-y vaulted ceilings and stained-glass:

Those of you who wish to hear Kayla's solos ...
I did get some audio.

Going to attempt an upload of both
Pie Jesu -- and -- Lux Aeterna
but the upload will probably be sometime this weekend,
since I have limited time and energy.

Both solos were performed at piano
(very soft, for those who are not musically-inclined).

She did awesome! Love you, sissy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you dear Ellie for sharing! I am blessed to have two daughters using their gifts...writing and singing. What a joy. I love you, Mom
