17 October 2009

while we are still free

WAKE UP, those of you who do not believe!

What we believe fuels our actions, gives light to our thoughts, determines our choices, leads to certain lifestyle choices, governs our wills, and invariably affects those around us. Get it? What you say/do influences others in some way. For better or for worse.

This technological age really scares me. Think Facebook or Twitter. Exactly how many people will read your thoughts throughout the day? Millions -- and mostly people you will never have the privilege of meeting face-to-face.

Tell me what you believe doesn't impact the world.

There is a war out there - a war for your soul. You are the deciding end. What will you do with the life you are given? Will you succumb to the world as it draws you in, promising sweet peace, tranquility for all, and a life with a beautiful end? Or will you question the very fabric to understand its roots ... in a struggle to the bitter end ... two very different things.

It can only end one way: the coming of one Kingdom and the ending of another. The kingdom of this world will pass away, but the Word of the LORD will remain forever.

"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near." -- Revelation 1:3

"God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life." -- I John 5:11-12

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away." -- Matthew 24:35

RISE UP, while we are still free --

Please watch this video clip and inform yourself. You will most likely never hear Lord Christopher Monckton's message on any liberal news broadcasting, unless his name is defamed.


The freedoms you and I enjoy - perhaps also take for granted - are on the brink of extinction -- poised to be taken from us by the penstroke of one man.

If Obama signs this treaty in December, to quote a friend, "you will be shocked at the magnitude of destruction for our country."

"To those of you who want people to be quiet about opposition toward our so-called President and just respect him, I say take your head out of the sand!"

This video clip issues warning to all Americans with regard to the United Nations Climate Change Treaty, which is scheduled to be signed in Copenhagen, December 2009. A draft of this petition can be read at:


Do you realize who stands a chance at millions if "climate change" wins again? That's right. Al Gore. Lord Monckton, who served Margaret Thatcher as policy adviser, has challenged Gore to debate countless times. Borrowing the quote from the YouTube page, "Monckton sued to stop Gore's film 'An Inconvenient Truth' from being shown in British schools due to its inaccuracies. The judge found in-favor of Monckton, ordering 9 serious errors in the film to be corrected. Lord Monckton travels internationally in an attempt to educating the public about the myth of global warming."

STAND UP, and cry out to the LORD!

"I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice. If I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land ...

"But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them, then I will uproot you from My land which I have given you, and the house which I have consecrated for My name I will cast out of My sight and I will make it a proverb and a byword among all peoples.

"As for this house, which was exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, 'Why has the LORD done thus to this land and to this house?' And they will say, 'Because they forsook the LORD, the God of their fathers who brought them from the land of Egypt, and they adopted other gods and worshiped them and served them; therefore He has brought all this adversity on them.'" -- 2 Chronicles 7:12-14, 19-22

The if-thens of Scripture are as true today as they were in Solomon's age. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This reaction is called "consequence." Consider the decision making process of the people above. Not much different than where we find ourselves today.

So. Are you for God or not for God? To be "not for" Him is to be against Him, and if I can guarantee you anything, its this: He will forsake you if you forsake Him.

Doesn't matter how much good works you have stacked up in this life. Doesn't matter that you were born into a Christian family, or that you were baptized as an infant.

"It is not the hearers of the Law who are just before God, but the doers of the Law will be justified." -- Romans 2:6-7, 13

DON'T GIVE UP; or it will be too late.

Find yourself a church, based in Biblical truths and not influenced by the sociopolitical charms of the day.

Read and study the Word of God for yourself.

Get involved with politics in your sector of the country.

09 October 2009

facebook : arguing with idiots

It is interesting to me just what people say when agitated. Shows their true character and level of intellect.

Facebook is a breeding place of opportunity if you wish to spot agitated phrases. Consider the following ...

9 October 2009:


I don't have to remind those of you who know me, but I am a 'grammar nazi' and this is not a pretty paragraph. I am neither the least bit impressed with this show of affection toward our less-than-apathetic government/leader.

In response to your status, I wish there was a dislike button. Your status represents the status quo. Respect must be earned. It is not freely granted, especially to those in authority positions. Understand the levity... You have just implied that if I must respect Obama, then must I also respect the ridiculousness of his new Nobel Peace Prize? Of course. Even though you and I both know it eradicates the original intent and honor due recipients of the past.
Oh. By the way, 'shut the fuck up' is exactly what I WILL NOT DO. Especially when people need to know the TRUTH.
Practice what you preach. Be respectful of MY opinion, as I have the right to voice it.

Just doing my job: keeping liberalism in a tight corner. But some people just don't know when to call it quits.

Comment -- "Well I will voice an opinion, Ms...whoever you are...please, watch the language..."

To which I must set the record straight:

Honey, I'm not the one who wrote that. Read her status. S T F U means 'shut the fuck up.'


Don't argue with idiots.
It's like wrestling with pigs in the mud
-- the pigs love it and you get dirty.

02 October 2009

goodbye, summer

This cold Autumn air clings to ground.

It dances among the trees,
causing leaves to turn brilliant colors and drop.

It coats the sky in a cloak of gray.

Stings at my toes ...

And with a delicious shiver, I breathe it in.

27 September 2009

a level playing field :: change is never always necessary

Despite all odds, the spending pandemic has spread even to the classroom. I knew it would; the evidence has been there since day one. Obama's pre-coronation website confirmed my suspicions long before this news reached my ears.

Of course you will want to know what I refer to, if indeed you are politically disconnected, but I'd rather you figure this one out on your own. Don't worry, it's not hard. A Preschooler would understand the levity of the situation.

A friend of mine shared the following news article with me today:


facts on the proposition ...

- Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan has forgotten what it means to be a kid, stating that the school schedule was based on an agrarian (farming) economy and quote, "not too many of our kids are working the fields today." Clearly. Why? We've outsourced everything. Duh. I mean, look at the car companies, the labels on your favorite clothes, the appliances you buy at supposed sales at the mall. Even the concentrate from Tree Top apple juice comes from countries like China, Argentina, Australia.

- Schools are proposed to lengthen the school day and remain open on weekends, giving kids a "safe place to go" -- which speaks to just how sad the family situation has become. I see this not going over so well with teachers who already spend much more time in the classroom than at home with family, somehow. Especially those in low-income, high-crime areas.

- Breaks to be shortened. That's happening already, so why not. Perhaps what should happen instead: Take out all the extraneous week-long breaks during the school year, yes? Get in, get schooled, get done -- keeps the kids focused and doesn't max out teaching staff. Better yet, perhaps parents should be more involved?

now ...

Do you understand what's going on? I mean, really comprehend. Under the guise of a brighter future and keeping up with the Joneses of the world, rides a darker horse.

Big government. Should sound familiar.

For working parents who already find their children a nuisance to take care of, this new reform probably looks made in heaven. Most, however, love their children and want to provide them with the best opportunities scholastically and otherwise. But have you considered the cost to your family? How long before your child leaves home? The clock ticks quickly; just ask my mother.

Speaking of ticking clocks, just imagine how squirmy those kids, especially the young ones, will be with this proposed lengthening of classroom time.

To be fair, it is true other countries spend longer amounts of time in the classroom. However, these same countries do not have sports programs for children. Instead, money is funneled toward scholastic endeavors.

Thus, if Obama truly wants to level the playing field, he should eliminate after-school sports programs, physical education requirements, and all extra-curricular sports leagues. Doing so would undoubtedly cause an uproar among children and parents alike, but would slightly satisfy his lust for all things United Nations.

on another note ...

"Quality over quantity" always wins, no matter the bet, and Obama walks a fine line already. I only hope he sticks to his oft-embarrassing media appearances in the future, because as far as I'm concerned, he has been and continues to make far too many rash decisions in the name of "change."

Even a kid knows ... the smart thing to do with loose change is deposit it in the bank, not spend it as soon as it is given and brazenly ask for more.

Obama has more withdrawals than deposits to his name. There's something wrong here.

At some point, we run out of change.

08 June 2009


June 4, 2009. Michael Ramirez drafted this editorial cartoon detailing one aspect of Obama's Apology Tour across Europe and to Islamic headquarters in the Middle East.

If you have paid attention to politics at all, you are fully aware of his newest campaign. Furthermore, if you have paid attention to my writing at all, you know controversial topics are my specialty, especially those that hit close to home or make you think.

Unfortunately, a few have missed the boat.

When a friend posted Ramirez's cartoon on Facebook with the tagline, Haha ... oh, imagine if Sarah Palin had said that! One clearly distraught Obama-supporter spoke out.

"Maybe he meant 'Western' country? The difference: Obama misspeaks, Sarah Palin miss-thinks."

My friend quickly quipped, "We also have one of the largest populations in the Western world ... [but] Europe has a greater percentage of Muslims compared to their total population than we do.
"So Obama still made a stupid comment ... media and supporters give Obama the benefit of the doubt instead of holding him accountable."

Another rejoinder: "Whatever, they were thrilled."

This person then cited CNN as a source, inserting the URL for this article [ http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/06/04/muslim.reaction/index.html?eref=rss_topstories ] in order to back up her words.

This is a problematic source for two important reasons.

1) The title "Obama draws questions, praise from Muslims" is at best misleading, and should raise eyebrows. Although praise for his actions abounds, questions are strangely absent. Who dissented? We will never know; their names were not mentioned. Even those who were skeptical, however, clapped their support of Obama.

2) Octavia Nasr, CNN's Senior Editor of Arab affairs, who hails from Beirut, Lebanon penned the article. She opens with, "It was magical inside the great hall of Cairo University." Could it be Ms. Nasr's beliefs impinged on her ability to correctly document history? This is a fair question, as her last name is clearly of Arab descent. Recall that in Arabic, the word Allah means "God."

What we write and publish ultimately affects our readership. Those who pay close attention to CNN may well be reading one person's opinion then, yes?

But who am I to talk, you say.

Before you get all het up, evaluate what you are about to insinuate. Reality: this is not the seemingly 'all-powerful,' 'all-seeing,' 'objective' news. This is a blog. Today, the news finds itself compromising core values or presenting faulty information in order to procure certain sentiment from their audience. Human beings are prone to subjectivity -- we all have preconceived ideas. Thus news, which is generated by fallible humans, is not and will never be objective. Don't listen to the lies or you too will become like sheep, led to the slaughtering house without a whimper.

Back to comments on Ramirez's cartoon ...

My friend bit back,"Of course they were thrilled. He is giving them everything they want. He is pro-Palestine, pro-Iran and nukes, anti-Israel, and apparently has strong Muslim roots that weren't allowed to be mentioned during the campaign. He agrees with them on all of their core issues. Why wouldn't they love him?
"The real question is if that is good for America ... Read Moreor not. He unfortunately is our president and not theirs. Theoretically he should be a proponent of our issues, our culture, and our faith and not theirs."

Well spoken, Martha.

While crafting a response of my own, another friend entered the conversation, leaving the lone Obama-supporter to muse. Alone. He stated, "It amuses me: The Muslim world ... seems to love Obama almost as much as the college students who were such staunch supports of him."

In my post, I dealt with the initial response to the Ramirez cartoon, "You are right on one count.

"On the other, Sarah Palin's moto seems to be 'say what you mean; mean what you say.' I applaud her for her honesty ... she was wise in rejecting money that could ultimately lead to federal government expansion. If your argument has to do with personal beliefs, then Palin's so-called 'miss-thinking' should not even figure into your equation.

"Obama knows exactly what he is doing. Obama has unequivocally stated that America is 'not a Christian nation,' though it was founded upon Christian virtue. But it's okay for him to call us one of the largest Muslim nations merely on a basis of numbers. He is tying our nation to every other Muslim nation in the world, seeking peace which will no doubt lead to war.

Shortly thereafter, I opened up the transcript of Obama's speech in Cairo to discover a few points that left my hair standing on end:

"All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed (peace be upon them) joined in prayer." -Obama

No Muslim I know would ever group the God of the Bible - either New Testament or Old - with Allah! Any attempt to do so is either 1) purely ignorant or 2) purely intentional.

You tell me.

What does this say of the president?

07 June 2009

first installment.

"... you're likely still sussing out a topic and approach, but for Friday, please have a pretty firm -- even if ... ultimately rough -- topic. Prepare a thesis and two central passages. Cough cough I'd like to go around the room and have you present your topic to the class ... "

Time moves slowly when the teaching turns into a repetitious monologue of worthless meditation on this or that. And I do mean 'this or that.'

I'd ask myself the value of remaining in class if I wasn't already on to a more interesting predicament. My nose. From the beginning of my time on earth, I have been subject to incorrigible allergies.

You could ask my mom: I'm allergic to anything that dust has touched, pine trees, and grass, either dewy or dry. Since second grade, I have been the sworn enemy of hayrides in apple orchards. Spring and autumn are truly trying seasons for me.

When I lived in Michigan, among the extreme temperatures, my sinuses suffered cruelly ... but a move to the temperate climate of Washington has nearly erased all symptoms. I neither sneeze nor congest -- amazing, I know! Well, until this year that is. This year is special.

Instead of rain in winter, we got snow and lots of it. Instead of rain in spring, we received a year's worth of Vitamin D, which led to the ultimate end of flowers, pollen, and plenty of cottonwood fluff. My allergies are a MESS. Top it off, I contracted the common cold. When you combine the two, it equates to sinusitis. That'd be me.

So, back to the story, I'm sitting in class not absorbing anything from lecture, listlessly popping my ears and hoping I'll hear the bell ring. I need relief and now! There is so much pressure in my sinuses passages, I'm starting to panic.

[ CHhhhrannng!! ]

Thank goodness. I'm the first out the door.

Down the hall and to the right, I slip inside the woman's restroom and dart into the first stall in search of tissue. I could care less about anything else. Except ...

Now the stalls in public restrooms are home to public greetings which, tasteful or no, are quite entertaining to read. My university has plenty such stalls. My curiosity always gets the best of me. Sometimes I write a note myself in response to touchy subjects, just to see the result.

What if I said ... any public restroom stall could be a witnessing tool?

something to believe.

I want to leave behind a legacy, something that tells anyone passing by, "Dominique was convicted enough to stand by her beliefs, no matter the cost."

I want to have passion in my convictions and writing, something that causes people to say, "... I wish I had that myself. I wonder what was so great about what she believed?"

I want to be a beacon of Truth, a source of comfort, a point of reference. Not unto myself or of myself but toward the One who's yolk is easy, who's burden is light.

06 June 2009

news flash.

I will be heading to Juneau, AK for the summer as of June 12.

While there, I'll be keeping this thing up and running, so ...

Stay tuned!

29 May 2009


What does the name of Jesus bring to your mind?

For most, it rips open the covers of our eyes and exposes us for who we truly are. Sinners. Destined to Hell, eternal separation from Love Himself. For others, it means nothing. Simply a word they have never heard. (Practically impossible if you are online right now.)

No, the 'nothing' comes from something. Either, they have heard His name, as a curse. Or they have heard, they know about Him, but are too callous to care. Why should they?

Perhaps, then, this name is something to wage war against. You are so against it, in fact, that you actually miss the point.

Is the name threatening? From the looks I get when I speak of my God, my faith, my joy and passion in front of others, you'd think so ... But the bottom line is, His name is powerful. It is wonderful, awe-inspiring, great, terrible; it evokes a reaction.

A serious reaction. With serious ramifications.

I will share with you next week about the stall ink. About a lost girl. About true Love.

disgust, in brief.

Justice is blind.

Sotomayor believes the judicial system should do the work of the legislature. What happened to the idea of checks and balance in the federal government?

Oh, but she's Latina.


- Lawyers who have presented evidence before her say she is appalling.
- 5 out of every 6 of her decisions in court have been OVERTURNED.
- I'll have more on this topic soon.

10 May 2009

soapbox topics : unashamedly and most definitely homeschooled.

You know, I hear a lot of kids bashing homeschooling these days -- especially those who have been homeschooled, themselves. Did your parents really mess you up or are you just jealous that you weren't exposed to certain things as a young person (through high school)?

Believe me, you didn't miss out on much. Between the countless breaks, school closures due to snow, teacher strikes .. what kind of learning do you get at public school? Why is it that our nation DRAGS behind others in higher forms of Arithmetic and Science? Why can't we spell? Public school. They teach to the test. No one learns a thing. Do you remember what you learned back then?

Some colleges today seem to be larger-scale high schools, where people fit into categories and department heads act as counseling services for undergrads. But the prevailing mindset among clientele at college is -- Whatever floats your boat will get the job done. As long as I merely pass the grade. No one looks at grades once you're done with college. They just look at the degree. But please, please don't use red ink. It's bad for my self-esteem.


I'm more ashamed of people who are doing well, are attending a four-year university, know where they are heading in life and yet, have little respect for the diligence, patience, frustrations, and love it took to get them through school at home. [Thank you Mom, for putting up with me through high school! I still marvel at how you did it all!]

Being private schooled and home educated up through high school, I naturally was not exposed to the blatant acceptance and promotion of the homosexual agenda, "pro-choice" monologues, Darwinian ideologies, New Criticism (i.e., "Truth" is up to the individual based on the situation), "whatever floats your boat" mentality (e.g., the "it's perfectly normal to have sex before marriage" mindset), and etc. until I entered the University scene.

And yes, I am glad for it.

Sure, I knew they existed but I was taught as a child from a Biblical perspective at school. I also attended church, was involved in youth group and missions, service projects, outreaches. This served to further form a foundation of morality, as well as a knowledge of true Truth and a thirst for Godly wisdom.

Brings me back to the larger argument of ..
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Now, if we, as Bible-believing Christians, are allowing our children to be taught that homosexuality is natural .. that abortion is an acceptable option .. that the world was formed through spontaneous bonding and combustion of atoms in a primal goo (thus, speech is really nothing more than sequenced sound and thoughts are only electronic impulses between neurons) .. if they are taught that there is no real "truth" .. that there are no consequences for premarital sex .. then we have failed. Allowing this, with full knowledge, is on par with teaching it to them ourselves.

Children are incredibly impressionable. Especially the youngest. And here's what scares me about public school: they know.

The administration that is, for now, presiding over our country plans to extend school. They plan to create a "zero to five" support, in terms of care and education of infants. A "voluntary, universal preschool" system that "is essential for children to be ready to enter kindergarten" and that provides "affordable and high-quality child care to ease the burden on working families." Sure sounds all kind of nice but problematic.

When government takes over the role of parenting, what will become of our nation?

the grass withers.

So is consistency a good thing or bad? You be the judge.

Doesn't surprise me if you say "good." And naturally, I agree. In fact, I say it is a great thing!

If you ever want to find out the true colors of someone's soul, look no further than the heart. What does that person say or do consistently? Do their actions line up with their words? How genuine is this person? Do they fully commit or is it half-hearted? What does that person believe?

Belief systems fuel actions. We all know this and yet, some of us make the mistake of thinking that we can hide those belief systems. Futile effort, my friends, futile effort.

I know of quite a few people whose words and actions line up. I think we all do.

But my biggest concern is one person who has consistently contested all I hold dear and who smears my God's name on the big screen in order to appease the gods of the Middle East.

That's right, folks. Obama.

And I quote (from the week leading up to Easter, 2009) :: "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation .. uh, uh .. We consider ourselves .. uh, uh .. a nation of .. uh, uh .. citizens."


Interestingly enough, the American name is also decried in his administration. Who won't he sell out to?

And then check this out:

1. Within those first one hundred glorious days in office, Obama attended the tour "Hate America" in Europe, where along with others, he supported a campaign of hate toward Americans. Okay, well I guess the title was obvious, but just in case you missed the memo. Obama also bowed to the Muslim king of Saudi Arabia. Look it up, there are plenty of sources.

2. He refused to visit the graves of WWII veterans buried in Normandy, while in France. As one blogger put it, this is clearly "a disgrace to the patriotic men that liberated Europe and protected our Freedoms here in America."

3. In Turkey, he praised Muslim contributions to America -- WHAT!? Oh, maybe he was talking about 9/11, or any of the recent bombings, Embassy attacks, beheadings .. take your pick.

Well, I guess this justifies removal of God from money, national songs, the Pledge of Allegiance. Don't disagree. You can't. We let it happen.

Thus, it does not surprise me that on this day, 7 May 2009, Obama decided to "tone down" (CNN's contribution) the National Day of Prayer. In other words, sure he will sign the proclamation of the day, but he will not participate himself. According to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, Obama prays every day.

Big whoop. So do I. The question is, who do you pray to?

This press statement says to me, "There is no need for prayer. I am doing everything right; and prayer implies I need Divine help, which is what I am already receiving. After all, I am president." Well, I don't know about Divine, sir. God may allow you this plot of time, but as Bible proclaims in Isaiah 40 ::

"All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely the people are grass.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever."

I know some of us value prayer and a relationship with the most High. Why is it that it takes a national catastrophe for the nation to get down on it's knees?

29 April 2009

john hancock.

For those of you who think the worst is over, I say -- it is yet to arrive.

One hundred days in office and already, our country has divided when it should have rebounded and grown -- if Obama should have truly delivered as he said he would. During the campaign, he stated most emphatically, "There is no doubt that we've been living beyond our means and we're going to have to make some adjustments."

And wow, imagine! Once elected, Obama asked his Cabinet to cut costs in their departments by $100 million -- a whopping .0027%! This will definitely help our deficit!

Here's another "oops" this guy named McClatchy caught. It's all over the news, if only you look, so don't think I'm making things up .. "Obama criticized pork barrel spending in the form of 'earmarks,' urging changes in the way that Congress adopts the spending proposals. Then he signed a spending bill that contains nearly 9,000 of them, some that members of his own staff shoved in last year when they were still members of Congress. 'Let there be no doubt, this piece of legislation must mark an end to the old way of doing business, and the beginning of a new era of responsibility and accountability,' Obama said." (March 11) Responsibility and accountability! Just what I was thinking. Not.

So it just takes time, you say?


I no more believe the man than I do the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, or Saint Nick. A fantasy world requires some far-fetched ideology, however, and that has certainly been delivered. But not the change people were looking for -- unless, of course, you were living for the day the media would jump in bed with the government.

As I watched this clip [http://www.foxnews.com/search-results/m/22193198/no-tea-time-for-obama.htm#q=obama+tea] .. I could not conceal my disgust at the true character of this would-be "great" president.

He speaks of "certain news channels" which are "not popular" (as if we wouldn't get the hint) and "people waving around tea bags." I am critically aware of the fact that he issues an outright dis here, as should you. If you really want to be comfortable, go ahead and laugh along with the rest of the crowd, see those "right-wing extremists" as poor and deranged. But get this one thing straight: deranged is following the crowd.

Oh, but Obama, he's ready for "serious conversation" for long term goals -- alluding to the fact that in his mind, the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties across the nation were BULL. "Let's not play games and pretend," he says, as if speaking to disobedient children. After all, we're only looking at a fraction of the problem we already have.

Excuse me, Mr. 100 Days? YOU made it MY problem.

10 March 2009

ogden nash.

"Everybody Tells Me Everything"
I find it very difficult to enthuse
Over the current news.
Just when you think that at least the outlook is so black that it can grow no blacker, it worsens,
And that is why I do not like the news, because there has never been an era when so many things were going so right for so many of the wrong persons.

20 February 2009

build an ark.

A violent flood is coming.

Like the breaking of ice in a river; a sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat.

A total, ludicrous failure.

ronald reagan

You can't be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy

and still be for the little guy.

dear journalist

Freedom fighters in America are finally unveiling the truth of your beloved leader and you commence a renewed effort to muckrake on Sarah Palin?

You poor pathetic people.

When did "journalism" develop into a race to extend mediocrity? You have no spine; you follow the crowd. You are the crowd.

But the people have spoken. We challenge you to do your job: place a check on the government. Or get the heck out.

11 February 2009

don't bury your head in the sand

Socialized medicine.

Don't think it will ever be a reality in your perfect little world?

Well, guess again.
Yesterday, the tenth of February 2009, your wonderful president-elect puppet Obama and his cronies signed socialized medicine into law with their "stimulus" (what a joke) package.

You might ask ... how are they so out of touch?

In selling the plan, President Obama has said the bill will make "dramatic investments to revive our flagging economy."

Most of us want to know, what was he smoking when he made this high claim?

The following is a breakdown of the almost $1 Trillion Stimulus Package, 2009 ::


What looks "good" but can't possibly get accomplished in a short time:
* $30 billion -- highway maintenance, Amtrak
* $40 billion -- broadband/electric grid development, airports, clean water projects
* $20 billion -- business tax cuts

--> total so far: $90 billion (out of $1 trillion ... or about 9% of the bill's spending worth)

Wasting our money:
* $8 billion -- renewable energy funding
* $6 billion -- mass transit

NOTE: most urban transit systems are badly managed, rendering a low or absent return of investment. People who operate them belong to public-employee unions which are campaign contributors to ... guess which party?

* $600 million -- fed gov to buy new cars (WHAT?)
* $7 billion -- modernizing fed buildings and facilities

NOTE: Smithsonian to receive $150 million. This will not create jobs.

* $252 billion -- to cover income-transfer payments (cash / benefits to individuals for doing nothing at all)
* $81 billion -- Medicaid (BIG red flag)
* $36 billion -- expanded unemployment benefits (so you can be lazy longer, thank you Papa Obama)
* $20 billion -- food stamps
* $83 billion -- earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax

NOTE: all of these may be justified to help poorer Americans ride out the recession, but they don't create jobs. In other words, there is no return and the economy suffers.

* $54 billion -- or 6% of the bill -- will go to federal programs for the Office of Management & Budget / Government Accountability Office, including the Economic Development Administration and Small Business Administration, etc.

NOTE: these organizations have been criticized as "ineffective." They are unable to pass basic financial audits. (Hello!!!) The new trend in Washington, D.C.: waste tax-payers' money.

* $66 billion -- education

NOTE: you would think this wonderful, but the bottom line? Around $6 billion is set to subsidize university building projects. As a university student, I can tell you right now building structure is not lacking; but valuable instruction is. Think the intent of this portion is to help kids learn? On page 257, the House declared otherwise. "No recipient ... shall use such funds to provide financial assistance to students to attend private elementary or secondary schools." Some money might actually go to nonunion teachers!


Oh, spending bonanza. Could it possibly get any worse?


Let's consider that BIG red flag from earlier in this post.

Warnings that this package could alter American healthcare forever have erupted on talk radio in recent weeks.

"We are at a fork in the road," Talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh told listeners Monday. “We can take the fork to the Moscow of the 1970s or we can take the fork to China. That's the road to recovery Obama is offering. We might want to try the road south to Cuba, but the only thing that would make that worthwhile are cigars."

Limbaugh added in an e-mail to listeners, “The march to socialized medicine starts in the spending bill that Obama is scaring you into backing. This thing is packed with earmarks for liberal special interests. It's not stimulative.

“Health provisions in the ‘stimulus’ bill tell old people: You're gonna die, so accept it and get out of the way! Stop using up money we'd rather spend treating somebody younger.”

Former New York lieutenant governor Betsy McCaughey, who has made healthcare reform her life’s work, sees even more serious consequences. According to Newsmax, she believes the incipient plan for national health care will hurt business and employment.

“The healthcare industry is the largest employer in the U.S. It produces almost 17 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product,” she writes on Bloomberg.com. “Yet the bill treats health care the way European governments do: as a cost problem instead of a growth industry. Imagine limiting growth and innovation in the electronics or auto industry during this downturn. This stimulus is dangerous to your health and the economy.”

(Quotes in this section taken from Newsmax.com)


What do you think, that Congress will cut spending next year? My prediction is this trend is far from disappearing. Emergency spending, ha.

The bill, in this "new era," was written based on the wish list of every Democratic interest group. Couldn't get all those cookies before, now they can gorge themselves. As Pelosi put it, "We won the election. We wrote the bill." True.

And Republicans should let them take all of the credit.