10 May 2009

soapbox topics : unashamedly and most definitely homeschooled.

You know, I hear a lot of kids bashing homeschooling these days -- especially those who have been homeschooled, themselves. Did your parents really mess you up or are you just jealous that you weren't exposed to certain things as a young person (through high school)?

Believe me, you didn't miss out on much. Between the countless breaks, school closures due to snow, teacher strikes .. what kind of learning do you get at public school? Why is it that our nation DRAGS behind others in higher forms of Arithmetic and Science? Why can't we spell? Public school. They teach to the test. No one learns a thing. Do you remember what you learned back then?

Some colleges today seem to be larger-scale high schools, where people fit into categories and department heads act as counseling services for undergrads. But the prevailing mindset among clientele at college is -- Whatever floats your boat will get the job done. As long as I merely pass the grade. No one looks at grades once you're done with college. They just look at the degree. But please, please don't use red ink. It's bad for my self-esteem.


I'm more ashamed of people who are doing well, are attending a four-year university, know where they are heading in life and yet, have little respect for the diligence, patience, frustrations, and love it took to get them through school at home. [Thank you Mom, for putting up with me through high school! I still marvel at how you did it all!]

Being private schooled and home educated up through high school, I naturally was not exposed to the blatant acceptance and promotion of the homosexual agenda, "pro-choice" monologues, Darwinian ideologies, New Criticism (i.e., "Truth" is up to the individual based on the situation), "whatever floats your boat" mentality (e.g., the "it's perfectly normal to have sex before marriage" mindset), and etc. until I entered the University scene.

And yes, I am glad for it.

Sure, I knew they existed but I was taught as a child from a Biblical perspective at school. I also attended church, was involved in youth group and missions, service projects, outreaches. This served to further form a foundation of morality, as well as a knowledge of true Truth and a thirst for Godly wisdom.

Brings me back to the larger argument of ..
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

Now, if we, as Bible-believing Christians, are allowing our children to be taught that homosexuality is natural .. that abortion is an acceptable option .. that the world was formed through spontaneous bonding and combustion of atoms in a primal goo (thus, speech is really nothing more than sequenced sound and thoughts are only electronic impulses between neurons) .. if they are taught that there is no real "truth" .. that there are no consequences for premarital sex .. then we have failed. Allowing this, with full knowledge, is on par with teaching it to them ourselves.

Children are incredibly impressionable. Especially the youngest. And here's what scares me about public school: they know.

The administration that is, for now, presiding over our country plans to extend school. They plan to create a "zero to five" support, in terms of care and education of infants. A "voluntary, universal preschool" system that "is essential for children to be ready to enter kindergarten" and that provides "affordable and high-quality child care to ease the burden on working families." Sure sounds all kind of nice but problematic.

When government takes over the role of parenting, what will become of our nation?

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