08 June 2009


June 4, 2009. Michael Ramirez drafted this editorial cartoon detailing one aspect of Obama's Apology Tour across Europe and to Islamic headquarters in the Middle East.

If you have paid attention to politics at all, you are fully aware of his newest campaign. Furthermore, if you have paid attention to my writing at all, you know controversial topics are my specialty, especially those that hit close to home or make you think.

Unfortunately, a few have missed the boat.

When a friend posted Ramirez's cartoon on Facebook with the tagline, Haha ... oh, imagine if Sarah Palin had said that! One clearly distraught Obama-supporter spoke out.

"Maybe he meant 'Western' country? The difference: Obama misspeaks, Sarah Palin miss-thinks."

My friend quickly quipped, "We also have one of the largest populations in the Western world ... [but] Europe has a greater percentage of Muslims compared to their total population than we do.
"So Obama still made a stupid comment ... media and supporters give Obama the benefit of the doubt instead of holding him accountable."

Another rejoinder: "Whatever, they were thrilled."

This person then cited CNN as a source, inserting the URL for this article [ http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/06/04/muslim.reaction/index.html?eref=rss_topstories ] in order to back up her words.

This is a problematic source for two important reasons.

1) The title "Obama draws questions, praise from Muslims" is at best misleading, and should raise eyebrows. Although praise for his actions abounds, questions are strangely absent. Who dissented? We will never know; their names were not mentioned. Even those who were skeptical, however, clapped their support of Obama.

2) Octavia Nasr, CNN's Senior Editor of Arab affairs, who hails from Beirut, Lebanon penned the article. She opens with, "It was magical inside the great hall of Cairo University." Could it be Ms. Nasr's beliefs impinged on her ability to correctly document history? This is a fair question, as her last name is clearly of Arab descent. Recall that in Arabic, the word Allah means "God."

What we write and publish ultimately affects our readership. Those who pay close attention to CNN may well be reading one person's opinion then, yes?

But who am I to talk, you say.

Before you get all het up, evaluate what you are about to insinuate. Reality: this is not the seemingly 'all-powerful,' 'all-seeing,' 'objective' news. This is a blog. Today, the news finds itself compromising core values or presenting faulty information in order to procure certain sentiment from their audience. Human beings are prone to subjectivity -- we all have preconceived ideas. Thus news, which is generated by fallible humans, is not and will never be objective. Don't listen to the lies or you too will become like sheep, led to the slaughtering house without a whimper.

Back to comments on Ramirez's cartoon ...

My friend bit back,"Of course they were thrilled. He is giving them everything they want. He is pro-Palestine, pro-Iran and nukes, anti-Israel, and apparently has strong Muslim roots that weren't allowed to be mentioned during the campaign. He agrees with them on all of their core issues. Why wouldn't they love him?
"The real question is if that is good for America ... Read Moreor not. He unfortunately is our president and not theirs. Theoretically he should be a proponent of our issues, our culture, and our faith and not theirs."

Well spoken, Martha.

While crafting a response of my own, another friend entered the conversation, leaving the lone Obama-supporter to muse. Alone. He stated, "It amuses me: The Muslim world ... seems to love Obama almost as much as the college students who were such staunch supports of him."

In my post, I dealt with the initial response to the Ramirez cartoon, "You are right on one count.

"On the other, Sarah Palin's moto seems to be 'say what you mean; mean what you say.' I applaud her for her honesty ... she was wise in rejecting money that could ultimately lead to federal government expansion. If your argument has to do with personal beliefs, then Palin's so-called 'miss-thinking' should not even figure into your equation.

"Obama knows exactly what he is doing. Obama has unequivocally stated that America is 'not a Christian nation,' though it was founded upon Christian virtue. But it's okay for him to call us one of the largest Muslim nations merely on a basis of numbers. He is tying our nation to every other Muslim nation in the world, seeking peace which will no doubt lead to war.

Shortly thereafter, I opened up the transcript of Obama's speech in Cairo to discover a few points that left my hair standing on end:

"All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed (peace be upon them) joined in prayer." -Obama

No Muslim I know would ever group the God of the Bible - either New Testament or Old - with Allah! Any attempt to do so is either 1) purely ignorant or 2) purely intentional.

You tell me.

What does this say of the president?

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