10 May 2009

the grass withers.

So is consistency a good thing or bad? You be the judge.

Doesn't surprise me if you say "good." And naturally, I agree. In fact, I say it is a great thing!

If you ever want to find out the true colors of someone's soul, look no further than the heart. What does that person say or do consistently? Do their actions line up with their words? How genuine is this person? Do they fully commit or is it half-hearted? What does that person believe?

Belief systems fuel actions. We all know this and yet, some of us make the mistake of thinking that we can hide those belief systems. Futile effort, my friends, futile effort.

I know of quite a few people whose words and actions line up. I think we all do.

But my biggest concern is one person who has consistently contested all I hold dear and who smears my God's name on the big screen in order to appease the gods of the Middle East.

That's right, folks. Obama.

And I quote (from the week leading up to Easter, 2009) :: "We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation, a Jewish nation, or a Muslim nation .. uh, uh .. We consider ourselves .. uh, uh .. a nation of .. uh, uh .. citizens."


Interestingly enough, the American name is also decried in his administration. Who won't he sell out to?

And then check this out:

1. Within those first one hundred glorious days in office, Obama attended the tour "Hate America" in Europe, where along with others, he supported a campaign of hate toward Americans. Okay, well I guess the title was obvious, but just in case you missed the memo. Obama also bowed to the Muslim king of Saudi Arabia. Look it up, there are plenty of sources.

2. He refused to visit the graves of WWII veterans buried in Normandy, while in France. As one blogger put it, this is clearly "a disgrace to the patriotic men that liberated Europe and protected our Freedoms here in America."

3. In Turkey, he praised Muslim contributions to America -- WHAT!? Oh, maybe he was talking about 9/11, or any of the recent bombings, Embassy attacks, beheadings .. take your pick.

Well, I guess this justifies removal of God from money, national songs, the Pledge of Allegiance. Don't disagree. You can't. We let it happen.

Thus, it does not surprise me that on this day, 7 May 2009, Obama decided to "tone down" (CNN's contribution) the National Day of Prayer. In other words, sure he will sign the proclamation of the day, but he will not participate himself. According to White House press secretary Robert Gibbs, Obama prays every day.

Big whoop. So do I. The question is, who do you pray to?

This press statement says to me, "There is no need for prayer. I am doing everything right; and prayer implies I need Divine help, which is what I am already receiving. After all, I am president." Well, I don't know about Divine, sir. God may allow you this plot of time, but as Bible proclaims in Isaiah 40 ::

"All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is like the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades, when the breath of the Lord blows upon it; surely the people are grass.
"The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever."

I know some of us value prayer and a relationship with the most High. Why is it that it takes a national catastrophe for the nation to get down on it's knees?

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