30 November 2010
Buy "10 Thing I Hate About You."
[Oh yes. That just happened.]
28 November 2010
another look.
18 days, 23 hours, 8 minutes to go
455 hours
27308 minutes
That is all.
19 days.
1. Leave for HOME = 19 days
2. Christmas = 26 days
Big Assignments Due:
1. Teach a Class for Cal TPA credit, Nov 30 = 2 days
2. Teacher Performance Assessment (Cal TPA), due Dec 6 = 8 days
3. Unit 2, due ?? = ?? days (finals week)
Okay, as if that's not enough ... I have soooo much more due. The Cal TPA aside, all of the above require at least six hours of writing time a piece. I'm not sure how to determine the amount of time spent on that one. It's going to be intense. That's all I know!
Overview of "Smaller" but no less trivial Assignments Due:
ED400 (Foundations of Education)
1. Essay on Hour 12 of "Classroom Observation Project"
2. Final / Wrap up Essay for "Classroom Observation Project"
3. Lesson Simulation, due Dec 7 = 9 days
ED500 (Practicum)
1. Quiz, Dec 3 on Credential Manual and "backward design"
2. TPE checklist (standards for California teachers, basically)
ED520 / ED540 (Classroom Strategies)
1. Reading, 15 hours = write one page per hour
2. Observations, all 80+ must be accounted for = write one page per week and one page per teacher (if you see several teachers in a week, one page per teacher)
3. Website Reviews for Content Area Literacy
4. Presentation of Unit 2
Okay. This is exhausting. Good night :)
20 November 2010
continued practice.
- Some classes are more quiet than others. This is not a bad thing. Teachers who are incompetent link "quietness" to "ineptitude" or lack of intellect. Teachers should never make reference to hopes of a "better gene pool" in next years' classes.
- Students enjoy classes when the content can be linked to things that interest them or are useful to them; if the actual benefit of the assignment is not clearly and explicitly stated, you will lose them to daydreams.
- Incompetent teachers cannot read body language correctly.
- Teachers who demonstrate incompetence forget that they don't know everything but are quick to tell you they do.
- Assignments should always be explained to the Nth degree, even when students are in college. By explained, I mean - if you, as a teacher, want to see certain information and formulas used in the production of a piece, don't assume the students know what's in your mind. Type it out, print it, distribute it.
- Competent teachers make sure to alert students to when they will be picking up assignments, in specific terms.
** To be added to in the future.
19 November 2010
what i'm learning ... part 3.
I feel like I just crawled out from under a rock.
This week just felt really off, you know?
Despite all that happened, however, I cannot complain. God got me through. He always does! I have had worse weeks.
There are times when I get kind of sad, thinking about what I'm missing at home while I'm here. But I am then reminded of all the amazing opportunities that God has opened up for me here -- especially learning curves: new ways to communicate with others and how to love those who make themselves unlovable.
My conclusion is thus: when God breaks you, it's always for your benefit.
16 November 2010
a slight deviation from "normal" posts ...
Usually I would refrain from such a post, but I really cannot help myself. It's all YouTube's fault. If YouTube suggests something with five starts and over 9 thousand views, chances are I'll check it out. If the title is in reason.
The point of this post is the song's lyrics -- if songs and rap are synonymous. *(They aren't! In case you were wondering). If you don't want to watch the video, then don't. It's merely here for a taste of what the lyrics sound like.
"Go Hard or Go Home" Lecrae (feat. Tedashii)
Go Hard or Go Home
Lord Use Me Up
Lord, kill me if I don’t preach the Gospel.
I’m still in my twenties – but I’ll die if I got to
Already dead – so forget my flesh –
I done been crossed over see the full court press
I’m a full court mess if the Lord don’t use me
Running from my trials thinking everything’s groovy
If the Cross don’t move me, then I don’t wanna breathe no more –
If I ain’t seeing Christ, partner, I don’t wanna see no more –
Rep every day without worrying about bruising
I been to China man, I seen some real persecution
If you didn’t know Him would your life look the same,
Can they tell you value Jesus by the way you rep His name?
Man, what’s the point of living – if I’m living for myself?
Lord empty out my life before I put you on the shelf
So for God – I go hard – I don’t wanna die tonight
It’s too many people living who ain’t heard about my Christ
Go Hard or Go Home
Went to Asia – had to duck and hide for sharing my faith;
They tell me, “water it down” when I get back to the States
They say, “tone the music down; you might sell a lot a records”
But it’s people out here dying and none of them heard the message
Took my wifey on a mission trip (to) Central America;
Shared her testimony – forty people stood and stared at her –
When she said Jesus, (you) should’ve seen – it was insane!
Cause forty out of forty never heard of Jesus’s name
Ah man, we ain’t focused on the war, we just kicking it –
Worried about our image and our space up on the Internet
Take me out the game, Coach, I don’t wanna play no more –
If I can’t give it all I got and leave it out there on the court
Thank you for the grace, for the will and the desire
Got me living for your glory instead of living to retire
But I pray I’ll never tire of going hard for Messiah
I don’t need no motivation – you’re the reason I’m inspired.
Go Hard or Go Home
That’s what it is, that what it mean
That mean that we should be out up in ok streets
Not just in houses with our Bibles, summarizing what we read –
Man this ain’t deep, why we ain’t doing what we read?
It’s like we sleep – but sinners sleepwalk when they sleep!
So why can’t we, the redeemed of the Lord,
Act out what He said, and make a scene for the Lord?
Action-cut, say what, like we was the director?
But you better get a grip like movie sets and get to stepping
I know you done it – and heard it all
You was going hard for the Lord before you heard this song
But don’t play yourself to save yourself – and walk in fear
Scripture’s like a mirror – the Truth is closer than it appears.
I'll let this speak for itself.
07 November 2010
I have a cousin who is "living life under a code that says every path is the right path, in a world where only one path is accepted."
I'm under the impression the opposite is true.
He wants to know the reason I say this.
i peter 3:15.
"In your hearts, set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect."
true north.
The world says that any and every path is the right path to take, which is rather confusing. I mean, who's to say what "right" means if we're all following ourselves?
God says that there is only one true path -- like there's only one true North. It's through Him alone. He is true North.
not a fan.
I think it's because I write too much.
On here.
Today's news:
Quickly getting nothing done.
03 November 2010
you didn't vote?
In other words, you cannot talk about politics unless you have participated in them. (You don't have to be a snaky, sneaky politician to participate in the political world. In the US, we have the privilege to vote for representatives. Whether they do their job or not is another question entirely.)
It's just that simple.
Why, then, do non-voters pretend to care about political matters and measures?
Why give us your opinion if you are not going to use your privilege as a US citizen to vote and thereby appropriately voice this opinion?
People have died to maintain this privilege; other people have crossed boarders so their children may have this privilege.
Clearly, Americans take freedoms for granted on a day-to-day basis.
In fact, the right to vote -- the privilege of electing representatives/etc. and accepting or rejecting measures brought up in legislature -- is the right that US citizens are most apathetic about. Yet it sets the stage for the rest of our "rights" under US law.
Elect the wrong guy and your nation could turn on its head, from capitalism to socialism. Haven't we already seen the effects?
Then again, perhaps one vote doesn't count.
Remember in college or high school, when you had a question for your instructor (but you were too cool / ashamed to ask it in front of everyone else), and then someone braver than you asked the very same question out loud! In front of the whole class! Whoa, impressive! And then, you had your answer?
Voting is like that. Other people share your thoughts / your positions, but think they won't be heard or are above voting for one reason or other, and so they don't vote. At all. How effective that is, I'm not quite sure.
A friend of mine, who has quickly grown liberal while attending the same public ivy league school I recently graduated from, posted an article on his Facebook wall. Yeah, I Facebook stalk. No big. In it, one of The Economist writers quips, "The stakes of November: It doesn't matter that much" (article: http://www.economist.com/blogs/democracyinamerica/2010/10/stakes_november?page=1). Now, I could go into depth on this one but here's the main gist: "It's okay if conservatives take over the House and Senate, little worried children. It's not going to change anything; we still win through brute force." Oh honey, if only you knew what you were talking about.
Look. All I'm trying to say is, if you want your voice to count -- yes, even with "one measly vote" that "doesn't matter that much" -- then VOTE. It's not that hard. If you're in Washington, you have no excuse: there is a mail-in ballot. It's pure laziness NOT to vote.
In the end, if you don't use your privilege and vote, you don't get represented. And no one else will care to hear your opinions either. Me included.
End rant.
02 November 2010
What I'm hoping for is some real change. I'm tired of the same shenanigans that we've blindly accepted in the last ... well, how many terms HAS Murray served? And by "we" I mean, Washingtonians as a whole. Who clearly are blind.
You'd have to be to base your vote for someone solely on their contribution to the GLBT agenda. Since this is what the news media has jumped on, I will too. What else has she done? Give me some proof-positives of her other contribution(s) that have improved the situation in Washington in the last two years.
How supporting the GLBT agenda benefits the entire state of Washington is a mystery. If you can shed some light on the subject, feel free to comment (scroll to the end of this entry). You may do so anonymously, if you wish to.
Side Note:: To me, the GLBT agenda falls under a type of religion. Argue what you will, they have a belief/beliefs they are pushing on others and require tolerance be given them -- if not outright acceptance.
It's time for Murray to GO.
There should be a cap on how many consecutive terms a person may serve. It's ridiculous.
I think it worked back in the day because the life expectancy rate was so much lower. But I guess, that would be the down side of a prospering health care industry ...
I have read the verse before. Thought I understood it in context. This time, when I read it ... well. "Chide" is a good word to describe how I got what I did out of it. The verse, which I originally believed only applied to others (and not to me), convicted me. I need to further analyze my behavior at all times and on all levels -- to include not only group settings and interactions with others individually, but also in my thought life.
side note.
Behavior? I realize this could get dicey. It's fairly obvious what "behavior" entails: action. Basically, what you think, say, and do in any given situation.
Easy enough, right? Yeah, but hard to control. After all, humans have a sinful nature that tries to call the shots.
seeking wisdom
Maturity is something that comes not only through advance in years but also through wisdom. Since wisdom comes from fearing God alone (Proverbs 1:7), couldn't a person be mature beyond his or her years? Have you ever read I Timothy 4:12?
Okay. Yes, I confess. That was a rhetorical question. Now I feel guilty; I have to explain myself. In this verse, Paul is instructing his young pupil Timothy, "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe." Despite your youth, Timothy, you can darn well be a leader in the faith.
And later on Paul chides, "Take pains with these things; be absorbed in them, so that your progress will be evident to all. Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching; persevere in these things, for as you do this you will ensure salvation both for yourself and for those who hear you."
If you don't think other people pay attention to the way you present yourself, let this be a lesson! Sometimes other people pay closer attention than you do.
*Everything* you think, say, and do is a reflection of what you believe and demonstrates your convictions in this life to a watching world.
For Christians, what we do and say is a reflection of Christ in us. We need to be mindful of our presentation, cautious in our approach. Our actions and words need to match, as they speak volumes about our values and Who we ascribe honor to. You could draw a similar correlation to marriage here, where the husband and wife only do and say what they know will benefit and honor the other person.
"When I was a child, I used to speak like a child, think like a child, reason like a child; when I became a man, I did away with childish things. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known."
- I Corinthians 13:11-12
I find it interesting that this verse falls after the discussion on "love." Maybe it's the English major in me that enjoys analyzing. Maybe it's just that I want to know more ... but doesn't it seem to imply that to know True Love is to mature into a "man"?
I don't think I'm going out on a limb here.
To love God is to grow in Him, right? Thus, it is for us to truly love God (as described in I Cor 13) and to seek His wisdom after Him (I Cor 13:11). Yes, this means to obey Him.
closing thought
Where does this leave you and I? With a choice.
"Though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant --"
Have you ever been on a liquid diet? I was on one for a month (I had mandibular surgery in 2005). I lost weight and muscle tone like no one's business. Liquid meals aren't quite satisfying. They are designed to sustain and provide nutrition value, but are never sufficient. Bench-warming at church is like this.
"--But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about Christ, let us press on to maturity ..."
- Hebrews 5:12-6:1.
This I write not for my reader alone, but also as a reminder for myself. At work, at school, and so on. It's a choice to serve the Lord. May He be pleased with our thoughts, the words we choose to speak, and our actions today and in the weeks to come.
You are not my favorite. True, we have had our times ... but they are not in California.
Welcome, hot September,
With your clear blue skies and drenched-in-sweat nights. I cannot say I've missed you.
Welcome, dear October,
If we never meet again, I can guarantee my smile would never end. Let's not be friends.
Welcome, cool November!
You are the crisp nights and starry skies I've been dreaming of. But you're just not right.
Welcome, lovely December --
You are sweet cold wet rain on my window pane. Cozy and happy to be home in Seattle.
Welcome, early January,
And welcome new year. Another plane ride brings me back, 1000 miles from my love.
Welcome, cold February,
With your uncanny fingers of spring and shadow. May the sun shine to drown loneliness.
Welcome, sweet March --
You are welcome indeed, even through the harried business that will ensue. Home calls.
Welcome, lively April ...
Another assignment in a land far away. The light at the end of the tunnel beckons me.
Welcome, darling May!
You are the hopeful light. Summer is but a breath away, and until then will I breathe.
01 November 2010
george washington.
of all nations
to acknowledge
the providence
of the Almighty God
to obey His will
to be grateful for His benefits
and to humbly implore His protection and favor."