10 November 2011

simply love.

Tonight a group of friends and I discussed the amazing fact that as believers in Christ, we are children of God -- bought with a price we could never pay and chosen to fall more deeply in love with our Creator. Pretty awesome.

I'll have more on this at a later time.

As I left our small gathering, one thought ran through my mind: The things we often take for granted are the very things we should value more, not less. Simply love.

You know...the unconditional kind? It is easier for me to imagine one million dollars in cold, hard cash. But of course I've never seen that -- and I experience God's love on a daily basis. How consistent is that? Not so much.

I went through a phase when all I wanted to listen to was harsh metal and drums (not sure why?), screamo, and wailing guitars. If you know me now, you're probably laughing incredulously. I'm a bit removed from that genre...just a bit.

However, as my musical tastes branched out and away from this scene to another, I found a song that remains a favorite today: Pillar's Simply Love. I figured I would give credit where it was due before I write the lyrics out...

I've made it so hard on myself
Turning my back on how you felt
Seeing a lie that led me on
Leaving a Love that did no wrong
That's what it took for me to say

That You simply love
Despite all the stupid things I've done
It's hard to remember that You simply love
Even though I know not what I've done
It's hard to remember that You simply love

I've tried to do all this on my own
Not thinking once of what You've shown
All that I've done has blinded me
To everything that You have for me
I want You to know that I finally see

The lyricist goes on to question why it's so hard to comprehend, when it should be so simple. I love what Jerry Bridges says in The Gospel for Real Life, "So here we sit on death row, condemned as rebels, awaiting our execution. But instead of the death we deserve, we are made sons and daughters of the very King we have rebelled against. Instead of death, we get eternal life. Instead of wrath, we receive favor. Instead of eternal ruin, we are made heirs of God and coheirs with Christ."

We cannot accomplish one good deed that would earn the King's favor, nor could we make restitution for our sins in any way. Jesus paid it all. In full. One time. For all have sinned and fallen short. But God in His mercy while we were still steeped in sin, sent His perfect Son as a ransom. How great the Father's love.

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