02 February 2011

bungee jumping into the classroom.

- Good fun.

- Migraine. Back pain. A little whiplash.

I do love my "job" right now. I'm not kidding. There is life in it! Even though my body is somewhat weak from lack of sleep / etc. But that is beside the point. The Lord provides even the strength to move forward from day to day.

I've never actually been bungee jumping but I know what it looks like!

Student teaching is a little like bungee jumping. You're prepped for the real thing in little classes that can only tell you how you must be 'prepared' (okay? This is like saying, Oh you're afraid of the dark? Okay, well the guy who jumps at you from around the dark corner isn't actually scary. Don't jump.) ... you signed the paperwork (here is my life; here's what will happen if I get dashed on the rocks in a minute) ... you're buckled in (no "out" at this point, just enjoy the ride) ... you get a final check ... and oops, your instructor just gave you a huge push (thanks, friend). You are air born for a short while, your arms flailing miserably as you attempt to gain some control. By the time you do, it's time for round 2.

Ding ding!

At least I know Who has control, ultimately. It's not quite as scary, knowing not only do I have some Supernatural support but He also loves me enough not to put me in a classroom I would be uncomfortable in.

I get videoed for an evaluation on Thursday, the 17th ... eek! Post to come.

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