22 September 2010

what i am learning ... part 2.

I am learning things about me.

1. One of the bigger problems I have with myself is managing stress. I stress frequently and forget to decompress.

As most sane people know and understand well, stress can be caused by several situations. And can always lead to more headache or heartache than it's worth. Stress is horrible and I've been doing it often. About little things, about big things. Doesn't matter the size; and it's like an addictive. If I don't notice myself slipping into that habit, then I'm not actively checking my behavior and everything else follows. Bitterness and anger are just byproducts of my inadequacy.

Putting a check on behavior. Doesn't happen in my own strength; this is something I had to learn (and am continuing to learn) through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. If I don't remain in Him on a day-to-day basis, you better bet I choose my own way, nine times out of ten!

2. When under stress, I forget things.

Like, tomorrow's midterm and presentation. Oh dear. Praise the Lord in all things -- I was able to finish the idea for my presentation, which is what I absolutely must have in order to feel confident in front of everyone in class. I abhor being ill-prepared! Substitute teaching may not be cut out for me, haha.

3. When I forget things and then remember I've forgotten them, all kinds of havoc breaks loose.

This time, it was better because I figured out the root of the problem, but in past times ... I'm like a pot ready to boil over! Watch me blow some steam and get back at it. It's kind of embarrassing, actually.

Edit: 7 Oct, 2am. Alright. Bedtime it is for this chick.

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