01 September 2010


When there is so much to do and so little time,

I try not to think about how much I miss home.

...The very clouds beckon me
Awake in me a desire to leave
...And into my mind, I flee
But I stop, because I believe

To do so would be to waste time -- and it's short

Time here is expensive and if I miss the mark ...

...Anything less than a "B"
And I do not pass the test
...Regardless of my excuses
Means I did not do my best

I want to do well and live well and eat well --

Wait a minute, where did all that extra time go?

...Here I am, contemplating
Struggling here, a bit --
...Wondering what I'm doing?
How-to on time management

When I return home, like a flood the joy for me!

So thankful that Los Angeles is not my home city.

...Not only will I see you
My family, church, and friends
...Fall in love with Seattle, too
My heart yearns toward this end.

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