15 August 2010

a toast to a new day.

To any who wonder what's been going on here, in my little corner of the world, the time has come to start something new.

What is new?
- I have moved to Santa Clarita / Valencia, in southern California, where the sun bakes the pavement, the wind blows hot as Hades, and the ocean breezes are an hour away. It is a different world.
- I am about to start classes which will enable me to teach English in both public and private junior high and high schools. Quite a learning experience, let me tell you! And a lot of paper. But that's just the half of it.
- I will be renting a three bed, two bath apartment with five other girls, of whom one is my little sister. It has been a while since I have shared a room with anyone; and a longer time since my sister and I have shared a bunk bed. I'm looking forward to spending that time with her, in bittersweet fashion, since she will be a married woman in less than a year's time.
- I have completely let go of the headache resulting from an unhealthy relationship in my past, which threatened to destroy what God had worked in my heart for a long time to create. God has shown me what remains, although broken and battered, is a diamond in the rough ... the process to perfection has and will continue to be painful, but I give my life to His capable hands. His will is all that matters.
- I have subsequently found myself embarking on another journey altogether, one which will be shaped and altered as well as assuredly strengthened and challenged through distance. It will, Lord-allowing, reach the best conclusion but in this journey, I am not alone. Rather, I find myself blessed with someone I know I can trust fully and completely. Yes, might be a double positive, but it's the right kind of double positive.

This is, until later, what's new!
May God's blessing not only manifest itself in each big decision you make but also be found in the cracks and in the crevices of your life.

He alone is worthy of our praise :)

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