21 February 2010

dear anonymous ...

(In a while I will share my story, so you may more fully understand how I have come to my conclusions. I have quite a few things going on at present, but will return by next week with the later portion of my response.)


First let's start here: intolerance.

As defined in the dictionary, intolerance indicates "a lack of toleration, an unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinion or belief, persons of different race or background, etc."

With no less consideration did you treat me.

Examination of fact versus subjectivity, as taught in the university setting, has clearly taught you to question truth -- whether in 'caps' or not -- at every angle possible, in an attempt to uncover what lies beneath. While I applaud you in your determination, I must also caution you against submerging yourself in the teachings of another. Objectivity is hard to find on a college campus (anywhere, actually).

We are a people driven by past experience, in many respects.

What I find most troubling, however, is the amount of intolerance you would assign to me and others who call themselves Christians. I wonder if, at any time during our friendship, you ever felt I "looked down" on you or declined to understand the values you feel most strongly about? If I may be faulted for praying for you, then I gladly accept the accusation. I did little else.

In taking offense to my remarks (to the extent of writing me off as a friend), you yourself have fallen prey to intolerance.

Of Christianity & the Government.

How has Christianity infringed on government in the United States? I need not remind you, our nation was colonized by self-professed believers in the unseen God. The United States has prospered because its core values and design were originally aligned with Scripture. For example,

"A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart."
- Ecclesiastes 4:12

Three strands of government (the executive, legislative, and judicial branches) were originally designed of equal length and strength, such that one would never overpower the other and thus weaken the whole. Unfortunately, the branches have grown increasingly more fragmented and independent with the change of time ...

But I digress.

Our founding fathers, having experienced religious oppression in Great Britain, circumscribed a system based on freedom, welcoming one and all beliefs on equal ground. America still stands today as a beacon of hope to many around the world because of the religious freedoms granted under the First Amendment to the Constitution.

We should be so lucky not to live in a country that forces a religious type down our throats. Nothing of the kind has occurred in the United States. At least, not yet. And if it does, do you truly think Christianity would be the catalyst? I mean, think about all the friends you know who claim Christ as their Lord. How do they interfere with your personal rights?

Looking back ...

Looking back through previous posts, I realize you must have experienced much turmoil over my viewpoints regarding the goings-on in the Middle East. I hope we can agree, it is a war over something. I would argue it is something intensely spiritual. And we are losing something in leaving.

I would encourage you to do some research into the Islamic faith. One book I would recommend -- even if you only pick it up for a quick scan at the bookstore -- is Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Fethi Caner's Unveiling Islam: An Insider's Look at Muslim Life and Beliefs.

Blind faith.

Born into a lighted world, we have never questioned the existence of the electron. Has anyone ever seen an electron? No instrument is fine-tuned enough, thus no one has. And yet we somehow have faith that in flipping a switch on the wall ... will invariably cause a reaction. We cannot see the electrons nor the reaction, so how do we know this occurs ... ? The light bulb in the ceiling fixture turns "on." How is this not also "blind" faith?

A faith untested and untried is not a blindness of mind. It is but the beginning. Naivety and ignorance give way to knowledge and understanding. Unless you earnestly seek the Lord while He may be found and find His hand outstretched, you are truly lost ... and the ways of infinite God become mere inconsistencies in your eyes. A mark of true faith is a hunger and thirst for Biblical knowledge.

The "pure" I spoke to denotes a refining fire. Precious metals found in nature are sent through a scorching blaze in order to separate the dross and procure something wholly invaluable, something beautiful. Something useful. And if "grown," then stretched and molded into a more "true" design, a stronger design.

This has been my life since August 4, 1989.

But, dear anonymous, I will leave such explanations for a later date ...

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