19 January 2006

how it should be.

Psalm 1: 1-3

"Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."

I love that picture.


WooHoo! I am soooo happy, sorta. First of all, I'll start off by saying I am really not enjoying math this quarter, due to my prof. I know he knows what he's doing, but he does not know how to teach! Drives me crazy. So I'm having fun there. Not. Anyhow, the syllabus he gave us said that midterms would be January 31. When he changed his mind and said that they would be next week, I was frantic: I don't multi-task well. I have two other midterms next week, one after the other, plus two quizzes. Bleh. To wrap it up, he somehow changed his mind (again) and said the first calculus midterm will be on the 31st. *big sigh of relief* Thanks, God! Yep, that's why I'm happy today...

Side note: why does the University of Washington call them "midterms" if there are two of them before the final? I've always wondered...

Oh, and is there a trick to Sudoku? The ones in the Daily are obnoxious!

By the way, Nicholas Nickleby has got to be the best chick-flick ever, along with the Man from Snowy River, Ever After, and......

16 January 2006

a ponder.

Ok, here's what I feel like writing about today. It's simple but can turn very complex.


God is not constrained/restrained by human logic - he supercedes it, because he is above it. Time cannot hold God, for he created it. In the same way, death cannot hold him, for he was not created by it.

God can be in more than one time period and place at once. My spin on this is that he's in the "past," and in the "present," and in the "future." He's so unfathomable, this God of mine.

Then he created us. He gave us a will. But since he is above time, he was able to see in the future who we were and if we would choose him; since we chose him, he likewise chose us. Whoever believes already has their name in the Book of Life, for he knew us before time began. Do you believe that? He made no mistakes - for to make a mistake is also human.

Want to challenge my thoughts? Please tell me what's wrong/right with my argument...