05 September 2011

south africa. a love note.

My boyfriend is on a mission trip with our church. They are in South Africa for the better part of two weeks and I miss him.

In all honesty, I started today feeling a little sorry for myself... I mean it's hard not to miss someone who's in another country and virtually inaccessible. Especially if it's someone with whom you are able to communicate at any time all day long, if you so choose. I find it all too easy to be bummed because of a lack of communication.

But it's all a matter of perspective, isn't it?

The great thing about Ryan's mission trip to South Africa is that he is in constant contact with the One who called him there. The One who brought us together. The One who sustains life and offers His forgiveness and grace anew each day. The God of the Bible; the One who sent His Son to die for the sins of the world for all time.

So there I sat in front of my screen this afternoon, my attitude newly checked. I began to think about the people Ryan will encounter over the next two weeks. My heart ached.

Imagine ...

One day in the future, God will return and take His people home. For those He calls, it's going to be a day of rejoicing -- for those who have not repented and turned to Him, however, it will be a different day indeed. Total separation from God. Cut off from communication with Him completely. No one on earth has ever experienced this.

And the Bible says there will be a gnashing teeth. To 'gnash' is to grind or strike together by force. Have you ever heard this sound? Ugh. My dog grinds his teeth together whenever fearful or distrustful, and at times when he is angry and cannot find justice. It's not a pleasant thing to watch and it's even more painful to listen to.

I would never wish this type of desperate fear and complete separation from Truth on anyone. Especially on those who have never heard the Good News of a loving Savior and Redeemer, Who alone can rescue.

Who, Oh Lord, could save themselves, their own soul could heal?
Our shame was deeper than the sea; Your grace is deeper still.

You, Oh Lord, have made a way; the great divide You heal
For when our hearts were far away, Your love went further still

You alone can rescue, you alone can save
You alone can lift us from the grave
You came down to find us, led us out of death
To You alone belong the highest praise.

We lift up our eyes, lift up our eyes -- You're the Giver of Life!

We who have the Truth and the Life ... should we not share Him with a world in need? Let us be His hands and feet, rather than bench-warmers, and rise up while there is still time.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying,
"Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?"
And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"
Isaiah 6:8

Please pray with me for the team in South Africa, as well as for those lives they will inevitably touch while there. Love to you all.

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