09 April 2010

who i am.

Who I am ... is defined only through my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

I believe I mentioned about a month ago that I would embark on a personal statement as to my life and how my relationship with Christ is one based on reality -- not a fiction to be called into question as hearsay.

Objectifying ones own past has its challenges, thus my tardiness in response. But I believe that an answer slapped haphazardly together for the benefit of a reader does not equally benefit the writer; if I am to correctly establish the reasons for why I believe what I believe, it requires my rapt attention to detail.

Lately, the situations of my every day life have become a problem, a heavy weight about my shoulders, causing me distraction and ultimately besetting my finishing this project. Though these have not diminished, I will press on.

Here will I commence :

Before I do so, however, I want to give the Lord thanks for his faithfulness and enduring love, which has seen me through the darkest portions of my young life and have showered me with every good thing. May his Name be known upon the earth!

Okay, here goes.

My name is Dominique Joelle Kandt. My story is just beginning. I will drop in from time-to-time to communicate His goodness in my life. If you pay attention close enough, you will see each detail unfolding slowly. As a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, I am beginning each day. Anew.

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