29 April 2010

turning the other cheek.

When someone you thought you could trust turns on you, what do you do?

First, confront them in love. Be peaceable and understanding, slow to anger. Furthermore, pour coals of goodness and mercy, grace and humility on their head.

Do not strike back -- this is exactly what is expected. Human nature would have us relate to one anther in whiplash fashion, eager to pull and prod each other into a never-ending struggle of wills. Which is fine, if you're in an actual battle with swords and cunning. Someone must always be the victor. Except, in this case, you both lose.

- Matthew 7:1-5

- Romans 12:20

- Matthew 18:15-17

- Proverbs 18:21

- Luke 6:29

27 April 2010

hebrews 12:10-11

Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness.

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.

Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

24 April 2010

simple joys in life.

Hannah -- How old are you?

Me -- I'm twenty-two. How old are you?

Hannah -- I'm five! (Shows me with her fingers.)

Ten minutes later ...

Hannah -- Are you an uh-dalt?

Me -- An adult?

Hannah -- Yeah, are you?

Me -- I guess so! (I smile at the question.)

Hannah -- (Big beaming smile, truly excited:) Coooool! I'm friends with an adult!!

21 April 2010

Thought in passing ...

... is it possible to be both "liberal" and Christian at the same time?

12 April 2010

heavy heart and a cup that runneth over.

I am at a point in my life where the East has met the West. An impossible moment that challenges my faith even as it punishes me in my insolence. Truly, my days are not my own. I wish sometimes that I had the power to do as I will -- but believe me, the final consequences are much too grim for me to commence traveling such a road.

09 April 2010

who i am.

Who I am ... is defined only through my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

I believe I mentioned about a month ago that I would embark on a personal statement as to my life and how my relationship with Christ is one based on reality -- not a fiction to be called into question as hearsay.

Objectifying ones own past has its challenges, thus my tardiness in response. But I believe that an answer slapped haphazardly together for the benefit of a reader does not equally benefit the writer; if I am to correctly establish the reasons for why I believe what I believe, it requires my rapt attention to detail.

Lately, the situations of my every day life have become a problem, a heavy weight about my shoulders, causing me distraction and ultimately besetting my finishing this project. Though these have not diminished, I will press on.

Here will I commence :

Before I do so, however, I want to give the Lord thanks for his faithfulness and enduring love, which has seen me through the darkest portions of my young life and have showered me with every good thing. May his Name be known upon the earth!

Okay, here goes.

My name is Dominique Joelle Kandt. My story is just beginning. I will drop in from time-to-time to communicate His goodness in my life. If you pay attention close enough, you will see each detail unfolding slowly. As a butterfly emerging from a cocoon, I am beginning each day. Anew.

05 April 2010

my hope.

My hope is in the Lord
This is all I know --
To Him alone will I hold.

When all else fails me
Still His love,
He stretches about me.

Life's trials frighten and
Confuse me deeply --
Thru Him alone I stand.