20 January 2010


I am a good judge of character am I
I know who will listen, who will flee
But I'm not the type to sit quietly
Sit quietly, let an opportunity go by

Patience is a virtue never kept
In different company.

Here, hear I knew enough to never hit you broadside with my offensive faith,
A faith grown pure and true,
Hear, here I knew that if I spoke you could berate me; I would never get through;
But it's impossible to hate you.

I waited.
I remembered.
I will always remember.
I let the chance slip away.

And now I must explain myself.
And now must I explain myself?
I think not.
The Lord justifies me.
Me, 'bane of society,'
I may ask you -- what you believe?

And if my faith does not matter,
why you then take offense?
Simplest task, yet I falter ...
To you now, it will never matter.
I wish I were more brave ...

Tolerance is pressing in.
(Do I make you feel uncomfortable?)
Chills descend upon your skin.
I am not scared of you.
Nor what this world may do.

I'm not in the business.
(Isn't it easy to be comfortable?)
If I truly wanted success ...
would have been more tenacious.
When I had the chance.

But unaware are you.
(You must think I live in a bubble.)
Of what the Enemy can do.
Ask me about animosity,
My friend. Just ask me.

Yes you know who you are with your ideological ambiguities.
Have you ever questioned dogmatic theories? Oh, tolerance!
Accept it, smiling.

Tuck it away for a rainy day --
you never know what might blind you.

My level of passion astounds you?
Your lack of the same appalls me.
I've seen it once, I've seen it twice: accept it all, unblinking.
"Tolerance, tolerance!"

But don't you tolerate Christianity.

The stuff is a myth, it's a danger to society.
How dare they. How about you?

Tolerance is pressing in.
(What about my faith terrifies you?)
Intolerant, "extremely polarizing"?

Repeat what others say --
obtuse, unchanging, circumscribed in black and white
no red may shed a dot --
"militant Christian ideology."

I've heard it all. I listen.

Here you have had your say, my friend.
And I will pray for you to the bitter end.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the things you mention are interesting, because I have spent time understanding views of Christianity in places where open communication was upheld, rather than viewed as fundamentalist truths. Even in these places fundamentalist Christianity is looked down upon, and although I wish to never 'repeat what someone else has told me', many of these traits you mention, do exist in fundamentalist christian followers. For example, my mother, and many countless others I've come across in my life.

    Christianity is the only religion attempting large-scale to infringe on government in the U.S., as well as almost create some success--therefore a point of concern, therefore more of a concern to people's personal rights--Hence why people are more "intolerant" of it than others. Christianity is often very intolerant of others--looks down upon them as lost when they do not share the same view, which is vile. If any religion interferes on another person's rights, well they could and should attest to that.

    also in my experience, no faith should be grown "pure." Why? Because one does not understand their falters without making mistakes or seriously questioning their faith. There are borders to be crossed, even while staying in the 'Christian realm' where one asks questions, and can falter through misunderstanding because they had the audacity to ask those questions. To live "purely" or "blindly" in faith, is a useless faith because it is based upon nothing. I do not doubt you've done your research, however I do doubt that you've done your own research, research with actual personalized meaning. It IS only the 'militant' fundamentalist translation of the Christian God that does not accept this. In order to strengthen something, it must be tried--and that does not mean by others who discount your faith, it means by yourself and getting into dangerous questions about God in order to better understand (rather than claim knowledge) for a God you think you already have.

    I wish I did not have to post this anonymously, but I do not have an account on here, and don't want to make one just to post this.
