24 October 2008


"I believe in God like I believe in the sun,

Not because I can see it

But because of it all things are seen."

C.S. Lewis

money money money :: are you really ready for "change"?

How much will Obama's economic relief plan for America require of YOU?

By now, you have heard about Joe the Plumber. (If you have not, you're living in the dark.) Joe Wurzelbacher of Toledo, Ohio dared ask Obama the critical questions with regards to his financial plans for the economic recovery of the United States.

Joe is a tradesman who has worked 12-hour shifts for years and now plans to buy his own small plumbing business. The trouble for this plumber is that becoming a small business owner would inevitably increase his earnings to over $250,000 - making him a target of Obama’s plan to tax the wealthy.

Wait. So what exactly IS Obama's wonderbread idea for the economy?

Anyone earning over $250,000 is to be taxed. He also wants to lower minimal wage by almost TWO dollars per hour. Small businesses and middle class citizens will be punished for America's economic crisis. Middle class citizens are the backbone of the economy. When the backbone of the country is in trouble, the end of prosperity for all citizens is at hand. This end will be accomplished through the medium of socialism. Obama would never align himself with the word, but deeds speak louder than words ever do.

Small businesses will be overtaxed, causing them to cut their losses and eventually let go of key employees. Half of small businesses, those with 20 or less employees, across the United States will suffer. If these businesses cannot support a smaller workforce, how can they afford medical benefits for employees? Beyond the obvious problem of a lack of good workforce, look at America as a whole. Who is going to work for a company that cannot supply medical benefits? Small businesses WILL fail. The middle class individual WILL suffer severe ramifications. Prosperity WILL decline. The wealthy WILL gain more wealth. Monopolies WILL surface. Every business WILL leave the United States to set up profitable businesses in China and in India. The United States WILL be forever dependent on other countries.

And you know what else WILL happen? Big cuts in military budget. Obama's peaceful endeavors will invite war. It is inevitable. You cannot assume that other countries will not jump at a chance to dominate world economy and political strength over America. We WILL be vulnerable. We WILL be unable to withstand.

As you can see, Joe's story is but the tip of the iceberg.

In fact, the engagement between the plumber and Obama allowed the people of America to see the truth behind the charismatic candidate's smile. Obama wants to turn us into a socialist state. A welfare-crutch? "Spread the wealth around"?!? This is another way of saying "share the wealth." Have you ever witnessed China's extreme wealth and extreme poverty? Sharing the wealth actually lends more wealth to the wealthy. Do you know what it's like to live in communism? Don't speak of what you don't know.

Think a socialist state is the way to go? Pay attention to the details. Stop listening to the biased press and do background checks, read history, research things for yourself! Stop being lazy. Understand that the freedoms you take for granted every day of your life are at stake.

Here's another thing about Joe: they sicked the ACLU on him. Vice presidential nominee Biden calls him a liar. Did you know, he can't even get a job right now? So much for the American dream. As blogger Michelle Malkin so candidly stated, Welcome to Joe the Plumber Derangement Syndrome. If you can’t beat him, smear him. It’s the Obama way.

If you don't hear anything else in this note, understand this: There is no "American dream" in Obama's plans. There is only the "Obama dream." What did he say ... "Words? Just words? 'I have a dream...' Just words?" These decisions will impact the United States forever!

**When you allow yourself to absorb and be persuaded by the honeyed speech from a Snake's Mouth, you WILL get bitten in the end!

Apparently, we do not have enough taxation in the United States:

1. Accounts Receivable Tax
2. Building Permit Tax
3. CDL License Tax
4. Cigarette Tax
5. Corporate Income Tax
6. Dog License Tax
7. Federal Income Tax
8. Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
9. Fishing License Tax
10. Food License Tax
11. Fuel Permit Tax
12. Gasoline Tax
13. Hunting License Tax
14. Inheritance Tax
15. Inventory Tax
16. IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
17. IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
18. Liquor Tax
19. Luxury Tax
20. Marriage License Tax
21. Medicare Tax
22. Property Tax
23. Real Estate Tax
24. Service charge taxes
25. Social Security Tax
26. Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
27. Sales Taxes
28. Recreational Vehicle Tax
29. School Tax
30. State Income Tax
31. State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
32. Telephone Federal Excise Tax
33. Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax
34. Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
35. Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
36. Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
37. Telephone State and Local Tax
38. Telephone Usage Charge Tax
39. Utility Tax
40. Vehicle License Registration Tax
41. Vehicle Sales Tax
42. Watercraft Registration Tax
43. Well Permit Tax
44. Workers Compensation Tax

17 May 2008

caspian critique

Last night, I went with my mother and sister to the theater to watch Disney's rendition of the second tale C.S. Lewis wrote in his classic series which takes place in his imaginary world of Narnia. I left the theater filled with disappointment. Disney has ruined the magic of an original tale yet again.

Disney's tag line for the movie, "A New Age Has Begun" holds the same meaning as tag lines for the blockbuster Pirates of the Caribbean - "Prepare to be Blown Out of the Water" and "At the End of the World, the Adventure Begins."

The effects of Disney's obvious presence in the production of this epic film are far-reaching. Meaning, Disney has a propensity to take a good story and turn it into cliché. Writers of the script clearly felt the need to dramatize an already dramatic tale. Doing so unfortunately almost obliterated the original tale as well as its message. Classy.

I can understand time constraints, as the novels C.S. Lewis wrote are quite extensive and particular to detail. But tinkering with the storyline itself? Not acceptable.

One obvious example is that of Prince Caspian's relationship with High Queen Susan. At no time in C.S. Lewis' novel was there mention of anything more than attraction between the two.

15 April 2008

in red square

Impatiently awaiting the jarring ring of the bell, I sat in the hall outside my last class absent-mindedly flipping through a notebook resting in my lap. Just outside, I caught sight of something intriguing :: a crowd with signs. A circle of curious onlookers had already formed around the perimeter of Red Square. Some were staring while others began to smirk, but a few moved to join the others. Soon I heard the intonation of a chant, muffled by the heavy wood doors that sealed the lecture hall off from the square.

As curious as the rest, I moved to position myself closer to the festivities. I found one of the large thick windows to be more to my liking. The chant had swelled to a soothing roar by this time and I could clearly distinguish the words :: "NO. MORE. VIOLENCE." They marched to their slow chant with the sorrow of martyrdom, moving like a fat river across the square and out to the far reaches of the university campus. It was then that I realized this was a walk for peace inspired by the presence of the Dalai Lama in Seattle.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for the ideas of peace and prosperity. Both of these commodities, although sought the world over, are evasive. Watching these peace activists, I was a bit non-plussed. How is walking around a college campus in Seattle of benefit to others? Can walking in a cult-like fashion truly feed the hungry, house and clothe the poor, educate the masses, promote peace, or induce any type of economic growth?

"Raising awareness" is at best terribly inadequate.