29 April 2009

john hancock.

For those of you who think the worst is over, I say -- it is yet to arrive.

One hundred days in office and already, our country has divided when it should have rebounded and grown -- if Obama should have truly delivered as he said he would. During the campaign, he stated most emphatically, "There is no doubt that we've been living beyond our means and we're going to have to make some adjustments."

And wow, imagine! Once elected, Obama asked his Cabinet to cut costs in their departments by $100 million -- a whopping .0027%! This will definitely help our deficit!

Here's another "oops" this guy named McClatchy caught. It's all over the news, if only you look, so don't think I'm making things up .. "Obama criticized pork barrel spending in the form of 'earmarks,' urging changes in the way that Congress adopts the spending proposals. Then he signed a spending bill that contains nearly 9,000 of them, some that members of his own staff shoved in last year when they were still members of Congress. 'Let there be no doubt, this piece of legislation must mark an end to the old way of doing business, and the beginning of a new era of responsibility and accountability,' Obama said." (March 11) Responsibility and accountability! Just what I was thinking. Not.

So it just takes time, you say?


I no more believe the man than I do the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, or Saint Nick. A fantasy world requires some far-fetched ideology, however, and that has certainly been delivered. But not the change people were looking for -- unless, of course, you were living for the day the media would jump in bed with the government.

As I watched this clip [http://www.foxnews.com/search-results/m/22193198/no-tea-time-for-obama.htm#q=obama+tea] .. I could not conceal my disgust at the true character of this would-be "great" president.

He speaks of "certain news channels" which are "not popular" (as if we wouldn't get the hint) and "people waving around tea bags." I am critically aware of the fact that he issues an outright dis here, as should you. If you really want to be comfortable, go ahead and laugh along with the rest of the crowd, see those "right-wing extremists" as poor and deranged. But get this one thing straight: deranged is following the crowd.

Oh, but Obama, he's ready for "serious conversation" for long term goals -- alluding to the fact that in his mind, the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties across the nation were BULL. "Let's not play games and pretend," he says, as if speaking to disobedient children. After all, we're only looking at a fraction of the problem we already have.

Excuse me, Mr. 100 Days? YOU made it MY problem.