20 February 2009

build an ark.

A violent flood is coming.

Like the breaking of ice in a river; a sudden, disastrous collapse, downfall, or defeat.

A total, ludicrous failure.

ronald reagan

You can't be for big government, big taxes, and big bureaucracy

and still be for the little guy.

dear journalist

Freedom fighters in America are finally unveiling the truth of your beloved leader and you commence a renewed effort to muckrake on Sarah Palin?

You poor pathetic people.

When did "journalism" develop into a race to extend mediocrity? You have no spine; you follow the crowd. You are the crowd.

But the people have spoken. We challenge you to do your job: place a check on the government. Or get the heck out.

11 February 2009

don't bury your head in the sand

Socialized medicine.

Don't think it will ever be a reality in your perfect little world?

Well, guess again.
Yesterday, the tenth of February 2009, your wonderful president-elect puppet Obama and his cronies signed socialized medicine into law with their "stimulus" (what a joke) package.

You might ask ... how are they so out of touch?

In selling the plan, President Obama has said the bill will make "dramatic investments to revive our flagging economy."

Most of us want to know, what was he smoking when he made this high claim?

The following is a breakdown of the almost $1 Trillion Stimulus Package, 2009 ::


What looks "good" but can't possibly get accomplished in a short time:
* $30 billion -- highway maintenance, Amtrak
* $40 billion -- broadband/electric grid development, airports, clean water projects
* $20 billion -- business tax cuts

--> total so far: $90 billion (out of $1 trillion ... or about 9% of the bill's spending worth)

Wasting our money:
* $8 billion -- renewable energy funding
* $6 billion -- mass transit

NOTE: most urban transit systems are badly managed, rendering a low or absent return of investment. People who operate them belong to public-employee unions which are campaign contributors to ... guess which party?

* $600 million -- fed gov to buy new cars (WHAT?)
* $7 billion -- modernizing fed buildings and facilities

NOTE: Smithsonian to receive $150 million. This will not create jobs.

* $252 billion -- to cover income-transfer payments (cash / benefits to individuals for doing nothing at all)
* $81 billion -- Medicaid (BIG red flag)
* $36 billion -- expanded unemployment benefits (so you can be lazy longer, thank you Papa Obama)
* $20 billion -- food stamps
* $83 billion -- earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax

NOTE: all of these may be justified to help poorer Americans ride out the recession, but they don't create jobs. In other words, there is no return and the economy suffers.

* $54 billion -- or 6% of the bill -- will go to federal programs for the Office of Management & Budget / Government Accountability Office, including the Economic Development Administration and Small Business Administration, etc.

NOTE: these organizations have been criticized as "ineffective." They are unable to pass basic financial audits. (Hello!!!) The new trend in Washington, D.C.: waste tax-payers' money.

* $66 billion -- education

NOTE: you would think this wonderful, but the bottom line? Around $6 billion is set to subsidize university building projects. As a university student, I can tell you right now building structure is not lacking; but valuable instruction is. Think the intent of this portion is to help kids learn? On page 257, the House declared otherwise. "No recipient ... shall use such funds to provide financial assistance to students to attend private elementary or secondary schools." Some money might actually go to nonunion teachers!


Oh, spending bonanza. Could it possibly get any worse?


Let's consider that BIG red flag from earlier in this post.

Warnings that this package could alter American healthcare forever have erupted on talk radio in recent weeks.

"We are at a fork in the road," Talk radio giant Rush Limbaugh told listeners Monday. “We can take the fork to the Moscow of the 1970s or we can take the fork to China. That's the road to recovery Obama is offering. We might want to try the road south to Cuba, but the only thing that would make that worthwhile are cigars."

Limbaugh added in an e-mail to listeners, “The march to socialized medicine starts in the spending bill that Obama is scaring you into backing. This thing is packed with earmarks for liberal special interests. It's not stimulative.

“Health provisions in the ‘stimulus’ bill tell old people: You're gonna die, so accept it and get out of the way! Stop using up money we'd rather spend treating somebody younger.”

Former New York lieutenant governor Betsy McCaughey, who has made healthcare reform her life’s work, sees even more serious consequences. According to Newsmax, she believes the incipient plan for national health care will hurt business and employment.

“The healthcare industry is the largest employer in the U.S. It produces almost 17 percent of the nation’s gross domestic product,” she writes on Bloomberg.com. “Yet the bill treats health care the way European governments do: as a cost problem instead of a growth industry. Imagine limiting growth and innovation in the electronics or auto industry during this downturn. This stimulus is dangerous to your health and the economy.”

(Quotes in this section taken from Newsmax.com)


What do you think, that Congress will cut spending next year? My prediction is this trend is far from disappearing. Emergency spending, ha.

The bill, in this "new era," was written based on the wish list of every Democratic interest group. Couldn't get all those cookies before, now they can gorge themselves. As Pelosi put it, "We won the election. We wrote the bill." True.

And Republicans should let them take all of the credit.